Telegram surpasses 500-M users after Whatsapp's privacy changes 25-M new Telegram users in 72


        Messaging app telegram has registered 25,000,000 new users in just the last 72 hours on Tuesday. telegram announced that it hit a milestone got it has surpassed 500,000,000 active users.The search comes after whatsapp on some controversial changes to its privacy policy the changes effective from 8th February will allow what soccer share more data with its parent company which is Facebook. 

Telegram's founder announced the new use a surge on his blog covertly taking a pot shot at whatsapp without needing the application to rob said and I quote people no longer want to exchange their privacy for free services. they no longer want to be held hostage by tech monopolies that seem to think that they can get away with anything as long as that apps have a critical mass of users article. 

Ever since whatsapp is done the new policy it has been receiving major backlash from around the world. the tech giant has not published a new FAQ page outlining it stands on user privacy one of the points says and I quote the policy update does not affect the privacy of your messages with friends or family in any way. simply put the update regards how merchants who use whatsapp to chat customers can share data with Facebook and then Facebook can use this information for targeting.

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