According to reports China is planning to all to Hong Kong's electoral system mass bobs off it's a white a crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong. this after more than 50 pro democracy leaders and activists were arrested last week Beijing feels that opposition may strengthen. its position in the Hong Kong assembly elections in the city were earlier postponed to September this year vocal about issues according to the report China's leading to further delay the polls the report added that China was even to change the city's political system to curtail.
The influence of the pro democracy camp on a 1200 plus an election committee which will select Hong Kong's next chief executive in 2002 larger member just days ago. China addressed it local authorities arrested 53 broad democracy activists in Hong Kong and what was the biggest crackdowns yet on the pro democracy movement in Hong Kong ever since. Beijing imposed the new national security law in home quotes no.
Source has told Reuters that the latest arrests were part of a reverse ongoing actions to silence the activists. Turn to coat make sure Hong Kong doesn't slide back to what we saw 18 months ago uncle when massive demonstrations mark the boldest public revolt against China's leaders since the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing in 1989. the rest off 53 pro democracy activists in Hong Kong had drawn widespread condemnation from across the world including the United Kingdom the United States of America.
The United Nations and the European Union and China had hit back at all those claims saying that the world was attempting to interfere in China's internal issues but now Reuters has come up with this new report citing several sources close to the Hong Kong administration saying that Beijing act should be fios. the pro democracy camp coming into power in Hong Kong and him and stuff Beijing is taking steps to curb the opposition in Hong Kong.
According to a Reuters report Chinese officials without discussing ways to change the electoral system to address cordon for deficiencies in the political structure and the source added that the elections might be further delayed and up the court the source said and I quote it will likely shake up the whole political beliefs that number if China goes ahead with such a move it is likely to impact the 1 nation 2 systems backed between China and Britain when it comes to hold gold and remains to be seen what will be the reaction of the British government which had also opposed the arrest of 53 pro democracy activists just a few days ago.