Tech giants are fighting it out for consumers


        Whatsapp has 2 options for you. Miley on the highway you either accept its terms and conditions plus information on lose access to what's at the very same map that teams respect for your privacy is coded into our DNA ironical isn't it so what exactly is up well there's a tech war the water is between apple and Facebook.

These tech giants are fighting over you the consumer. I'll explain how this works do you remember what Facebook's tagline used to see. So about 2 years ago it's free and always will be. That's Logan silently vanished in 8/20/19 this is after it was out in the open that Facebook is feeding off you. 

It doesn't feel free it is feeding off your desktop to solve you advertisements think about it every time you're reading up on a pay as you want to visit Facebook shows your hotels and holiday deals for the very same please it also shows you ads with flight options mean the plant's gonna rentals. 

The same applies to anything and everything you browse full beat a pair of denims are notable Facebook will invariably greet you with related ads the next time you open the app this is Facebook's business model it tracks your online activities the apps and websites you open on your smart phones are all tracked the things you shuffle the ads you click on and then it targets you with fossilized adds. 

Again this is Facebook's business model and you'll arts product Facebook is monetizing your personal data and apple says it wants to put an end to this it wants to give users control over their data allow them to make a conscious choice whether or not they want an app to track their browsing activity but how will apple do this within after tracking transparency feature. 

It will come as an update with iOS 14 Facebook is obviously not happy with this move it says it will strangle small businesses Facebook I started a web page criticizing apple's move the company also published a full page newspaper ad in 12/20/20 it's read more than 10,000,000 businesses use our advertising tools each month to find new customers hired employees and engage with their communities.

Facebook is pretending to be the champion of small businesses totally disregarding the fact that small businesses are frustrated with Facebook 1 it is failing to provide customer support do it does fail to stop scam ads you know the ones that sell counterfeit products and 3 Facebook has also pushed small businesses out of the market however stooping Facebook ended up with anti trust lawsuits in the United States. 

Here's what New York Attorney General Letitia James said by using its Bosque solves of daytime money Facebook has squashed all hindered what the company perceived as potential threats. This is Facebook's reality. On the eighteenth of this of 12/20/20 Tim cook had tweeted let me quote from the treat we believe users should have the choice over the data that is being collected. And let me make one thing clear here apple is not the good guy. If it's really cared about you as a day job why would it store iCloud keys in China so much for protecting your privacy apple is basically building roadblocks what its rivals the intention is to harm Facebook more than to benefit you. 

Facebook as well as around $778,000,000,000 apple over $2000,000,000,000 the consumer base for both of these companies is almost the same educated social media savvy people buy iPhones they browse Facebook and Instagram on them apple makes money on the hardware. Facebook makes money from targeted ads both companies within biotech at least for some time then Facebook acquired whatsapp iMessage became arrival of sorts why whatsapp gained popularity in Brazil, India, Mexico, Germany and Turkey hi message maintained its dominance in America then came the drop in iPhone sales apple started looking at software subscriptions and payments for money so on Facebook announced it is developing a cryptocurrency for payments within the app. 

But then whatsapp. This meant that there was a threat to Applebee's do you see my point apple and Facebook are fighting on the same stuff both are fighting for dominance they're fighting for profit off you the consumer in 2018 apple CEO Tim cook criticized Facebook for tracking people's browsing activities he said the truth is we could make a ton of money if we monetized our customer if our customer was our product. We've elected not to do that the data privacy feature in apple's latest move is against Facebook. And fans will get shot back by sneaking in a privacy update on you'll want sap where does that leave you. Helpless in the hands of these tech giants and diplomacy up for sale.

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