Is Bitcoin the new gold?


        Accepted or not digital currency is the future of bitcoin, Ethereum,, stellar, lumens all of us will have to adopt these digital modes of payment every country will have to take the plunge. It's just a matter of time and the indicators are strong on Tuesday the world's most popular cryptocurrency bitcoin soared to a record high of $34800 in Asia. 

This is an 800 percent surcharge since mid 6/20 0 percent search. I'm a huge milestone investors say bitcoin is all set to become a mainstream mode of payment by the end of 2021 some say it is set to be the new gold but there are many many unknowns about bit coin like who created it we don't know yet who controls it isn't backed by any government how does 1 use it how do the transactions take place and what about illegal transactions he has a report on all you want to know. 

For going is it your delete online currency created from computer code. It has been in circulation since 2009. Instead of going to community of users controlled and regulated via the blockchain. What is that the blockchain is a shared public ledger on which the entire big point network relies. It's a mathematical process designed to provide anonymous and secure transfers. To get started users can install a bit coin wallet on the computer all phones. Which generates an address unique to each transaction. You can use this to buy goods and services even other currencies what hold other transactions validated. 

Well by members of the bitcoin community by tracing the origin of each bit going using its special software. This technique is known as mining a process that is intended to ensure that no single brick going can be spent in more than one place simultaneously. Members of this network unless my nose. The upgraded against one another as they raced to solve increasingly complex cryptograms on extremely powerful computers. The first is to do so are issued with new bit coins as a reward for their efforts. This is the only venue but points can be created. 

However there is a limit to how many new big points can be created. It is capped at 21000000 units. Do you want to just want this cryptocurrency are several the transactions are anonymous. The transfers are instantaneous and it's all free of charges. To add to that there is no price cap and no middle man. But that does not mean that there are no disadvantages. Bitcoin transactions reversible and it's an extremely important time currencies subject to wide fluctuations in price. 

How do you also an issue with digital one installed in computers or phones one notable to Taft by high because. And lastly the anonymous nature of bitcoin makes it popular currency illegal transactions. In 2/20/16 in Los Angeles hospital had 2 base 70000 US dollars in bit coins to hackers who took control of his computer for more than a week. But the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks the popularity of brick going is set to grow exponentially in this decade.

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