Mega-Vaccination - India enters a decisive phase in the COVID-19 fight


Indian prime minister Narendra Modi's launch the world's biggest vaccination drive today. as India tries to bring pandemic under control. prime minister Narendra modi launching the vaccination drive at 3000 vaccination centers across the country via video conferencing in a tweet.

Prime minister Modi has said that the country will entered a decisive phase in the fight against the pandemic . India's health minister harsh Vardhan reviewed the preparations and said that both the vaccines are safe. the minister also said that this would be the beginning of the end off the court about a Spondon make in India. The country is aiming to inoculate over 13,000,000 healthcare and frontline workers in the first phase of the vaccination drive.

The Indian government has said that it will bear the cost of inoculating healthcare workers on the first day around 1000 people voluntarily vaccinated in each of the 3006 vaccination centers across the country. the government said this week calling it the start of the biggest such campaign in the world in phase 2 of the vaccination drive the country will prioritize people with comorbidities and those who are aged above 50 years.

The country's using vaccine shots which are manufactured in India one double up by Oxford university in AstraZeneca and the other double up by bottom biotech with the country's top medical research body. Meanwhile the country has already bought 11,000,000 doses of the AstraZeneca coalition vaccine shot produced by the scene institute of India and $5,000,000 is off part about decks callbacks in vaccine India. which has reported the highest number of coronavirus infections after the United States of America wants to vaccinate around 300,000,000 people with doodles as in the first 6 to 8 months off this year itself prime minister. 

Then in the morning has also said that politicians will not be considered as frontline workers the government would also inoculate the online in fact the government would inaugurate the online platform called cold wind that will provide information on vaccine stocks and storage can.

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