There's been a technical blunder in the UK 150,000 arrest records have vanished from police computers. 150,000 these include a date DNA fingerprints, arrest history they're all gone as a crucial intelligence inputs about suspects they have vanished from police computers. how did this happen apparently the records were accidentally wiped from police databases during a weekly deletion.
What happens now how will this impact the UK the Blundell could allow offenders to go free that's because the U. K. no longer has crucial evidence against them. that's number one. Number 2 Britain's visa system has been hit processing of applications was suspended for at least 2 days. number 3 Britain has lost crucial intelligence about suspects it would be difficult for the police to connect evidence at crime scenes to the perpetrator. in short the entire system has been thrown into this Saturday.
How could such a big blunder happened who is responsible for this authorities are pointing the finger at software Phalia. But Britain's opposition will have none of it they say the responsibility lies with 3 people dead she is Britain's home secretary and she is now being blamed for risking public safety. Britain's shadow home secretary Nick Thomas Symonds said that pertain must make a statement about what has gone wrong. The extent of the issue and what action is being taken to reassure the public trust. you must make a statement but do British leaders even care because by the looks of it British parliamentarians are too busy talking about everything. that does not remotely concerned them all their electorate the technical blunder happened last week and guess what British parliament was up to this week.
They started the week by debating India's minority rights then they spent another day discussing gosh means Britain's home office said in a statement the technical issue with the police national computer has been resolved and we are looking at previous with law enforcement popped us to assess its impact. This is not the first technical blunder involving the UK's home office. it's happened way too many times between 2019 to 2020. the UK home office recorded 4000 incidence that's an average of 11 cases every day at least 25 of these cases.
Britain's information commissioner had to be elected in other words they would back CVS in 2019. the home office had to apologize after data blunder made some British citizens as email addresses public between 2018 and 19. the home office recorded 1000 data loss incidents that's an average of more than 5 incidents every day. In 2007 the home office lost 5,000,000 individuals and 5,000,000 families claiming child benefit.
What exactly is Britain's home office up to. Preti Patel has been leading the department since 7/20/19 rights groups of all of his been opposed to it taking charge of this department 3 the button let me tell you more about her. she's 48 years old. she has a reputation for voting against basic human rights protection some colleagues in 77 say that she was rude and hostile. I'd some even say that she's a bully others vouch for friendly nature Preti Patel is a daughter of immigrants. she was born to would drop the parents who left to go under the 1970. she studied in the UK started a career at the conservative central office.
She was once a deputy press secretary for conservative leader William Hague she was elected to parliament during the David Cameronians she achievement is standard ranks 40 as NATO. she's been exchequer secretary to the treasury the minister of state for employment the secretary of state for international development. when it comes to the current hierarchy she's not too far below the prime minister of the UK. but somehow she's never really spoken often tons of a future prime minister and experts and political pundits say this has got nothing to do with the name all color it's about to miss judgments.
Preti Patel is known for capacity for work but a political Korea is headlined by 2017 Blando. she was on a bus no holiday to Israel and hand unofficial meetings with Israeli officials including prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Then British prime minister Theresa may was kept in the dock when she learned about the meetings may also pertain to step down as the international development secretary in a resignation letter, but instead actions gold and gold fell below the high standards that are expected of a secretary of state. Guess what's expected of a home secretary to maintain the country's security do minimal lights crime losing crucial date on crooks does not quite full in the high standards of the job