What is now in a new light coming in from the United States Senate runoff elections in Georgia Democrats are now just one seat away from controlling the U. S. Senate 10 this often a Democrat Ralph fun Warnock won the Georgia Senate final becoming the first black senator ever to win a Senate seat in Georgia.
The Associated Press has gone Democrat Ralph I'm one okay as the winner he has made history by becoming the first black Democrat to win the Senate seat in Georgia. No Democrat has ever won a U. S. Senate race in Georgia in the last 20 years just a few moments back the Republican senator Kelly low flow also came that she would ultimately win the seat.
One has won the crucial seat with 50.5 percent of what the Republican all put into on the other hand has 49.6 percent votes. now this is a razor thin victory for the Democrats remember Democrats must win both seats in Georgia to take control of the Senate and this will create a 50:50 split in the Senate and the final tie breaking votes will rest with vice president elect come learn how to however if Republicans manage to win even 1 of the 2 seats they would effectively. we took all the Bivens legislative initiatives including economic relief I'm a change health care and criminal justice.
All eyes are now on the other 2 candidates Republican David Perdue and Democrat John also. President Donald Trump tweeted hinting at voter fraud and said and I quote looks like they are setting up a big water dump against the Republican candidates waiting to see how many votes they need. Less than 15 days to go for Joe Biden's presidential inauguration and trump has still not conceded in fact he stands firm on his unfounded allegations of voter fraud and rigged elections the congressional votes took place in the backdrop of massive rallies carried out by trump supporters in Washington DC.